Prag Hotel Duo Praha

Hotel Prag Duo Praha

Najlepsze oferty dla duetu w Pradze. Urlop, wakacje i wycieczki do Duetu Hotelowego w Czechach, Pradze i Pradze. Zapraszamy do zapoznania si? z rezerwacjami w hotelu Duo.

Parking rip-off - Hotel Duo, Prag Meinungen

We are very sorry, dear visitor, that the visit did not go completely to your complete satisfactor. We are very pleased with your feedback, which will certainly help us to take the necessary measures to enhance and fulfil the needs of ours. We kindly ask you to take our excuses and worries that you have been experiencing during your sojourn. However, we sincerely wish that Praha and the Hotel Duo Praha will have the chance to welcome you again.

Das Hotel ist etwas außerhalb des Zentrums in einer ziemlich uninteressanten Umgebung gelegen: Autobahn in der Umgebung, Bushaltestelle, Apartmenthäuser. Direkt neben dem Hotelparkplatz gibt es eine Metrostation, die die Gäste in 15 - 20 min ins Zentrum führt. Das Hotel sieht von aussen wie ein Betonstein aus den 70ern aus, der später mit Fassadenfarben verkleidet wurde.

All the more pleasant the impression when you enter the hotel : friendly staff, inviting and hotel bar. Thank you for your precious comments on your last visit to Hotel Duo. We welcome your comments. We' re pleased to say that you enjoyed your visit, our equipment and the services of our group.

Wir sind ungeduldig und freuen uns darauf, Sie wieder im Hotel begrüßen zu dürfen, was hoffentlich in naher Zukunft der Fall sein wird. Selbst wenn dieses Hotel durch die Blockbauweise von aussen etwas abschreckt, ist es von drinnen ganz oben! Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir Ihre Erwartungen übertroffen haben und freuen uns auf Ihren nächsten Besuch in unserem Duo Hotel!

Thank you for your visit and your opinions about the products and service offered during your last visit to Hotel Duo Prag. It is regrettable to know that your visit was not to your complete satisfaction. We are very pleased with your feedback, which will certainly help us to take the necessary measures to enhance and fulfil the needs of ours.

The hotel is price performance completely in order. Thank you for taking the opportunity to give us your opinion about your visit to Hotel DUO Praha. We' re glad that our institutions, our services and our site have fulfilled your requirements. It would be our pleasure if our visitors came back and we would be glad to welcome you again in our hotel DUO.

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