Metro Karte Prag
U-Bahn-Karte PragFree off-line 2018 metro and tramway ticket Pragues
Praha Metro and tramway maps - a free, easy and off-line maps of Prague's metro services, very useful for travellers and guests. Praguer Metro is an subterranean metro system in Praha, Bohemia. This is the quickest means of urban transit and services about one and a half million people every night, making it the 7th largest metro system in continental and the most used in the whole wide globe on a per capita scale.
There are three subway routes, each of which is shown by its own color on the map and signs: Altogether there are 57 railway stops (including three interchange stations), which are linked by almost 60 kilometers of mostly subterranean railway tracks. U-Bahn runs from 4-5 a.m. from Sundays to Thursdays until the middle of the night (the last train ride starts at 1 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays), with approximately two to three minutes between runs during peak time.
More than 500 million people use the metro in Prague each year. This subway is operated by Praha Publishing Corporation Co. Dopravní podnik hlavního m?sta Prahy a.s.), which administers all means of transportation in the town ( metro, trams, busses, cable car to the mountain m?sta and chair lift in the Zoological Garden in Prague).
This system has been linked to local railways and busses as well as to "park-and-ride" car parks since 1993. They together constitute a common mass transit system further away from the Pra?ská integrovaná doprava (PID). While the large system is offered in zones, the metro is located completely within the main area.
There are many large underground railway stops in the city of Plzen, with several relatively far apart entries. In general, however, the railway stops are also well-marked.
Prager Offline-Karte - City Metro Flughafen im Apothekenladen
Prague Office Karte ist Ihr ultimativer Begleiter Prag, Prag off-line Stadtkarte, U-Bahn-Karte, Flughafen-Karte, Standard-Top10 ausgewählte Sehenswürdigkeiten, diese Anwendung ermöglicht Ihnen eine großartige Reiseerfahrung. Positionsbestimmung mit Hilfe von Navigationsgeräten in Prag in Realzeit. Wichtigstes Feature ist kein WLAN, kein UMTS, kein Roaming, KEINE Angaben erforderlich. 100 % off-line. Sie können mit dieser Anwendung komfortabel und ohne Guide in der Umgebung von Prag mitfahren.