Atos Hotel Prag

Hotel Atos Prag

Das Hotel befindet sich im romantischen und malerischen Stadtteil Malá Strana. Standort: Stadt Prag Lage & Umgebung Zentrale Lage. Das Hotel macht von außen einen sehr guten Eindruck, aber wenn man die Eingangshalle betritt, riecht es nach Rauch, weil die Gäste vor dem Hotel oder im Eingangsbereich rauchen. Die Atos bietet individuelle Zimmer in einem Unterhaltungsbereich in Prag. Hoteldetails - Buchen - Hotel Victoria.

Spitzenhotel - Hotel Atos, Prag Meinungen

Thank you for spending the night at Atos Hotel and for taking the opportunity to exchange your experiences with other travellers. Hopefully your further travels will still contain the Hotel Atos. Sincerely, I was at the Hotel Atos in april. Thank you for your stay at Atos Hotel and for taking the opportunity to exchange your experiences with other travellers.

We' re very glad that you enjoyed our hotel, your room and the breakfasts. It would be our pleasure to welcome you on your next visit to the Atos Hotel. incerely Yours, L'hôtel est un peu vieux, mais nous avons pour 3 nuits incl. I only paid 157 for breakfasts et je ne peux pas me plaindre.

Der Standort ist hervorragend, die Straßenbahnverbindungen sind hervorragend, die Karl-Brücke und der Petrin-Park sind zu Fuss zu erreichen und es gibt ein Parkgarage in der Umgebung, in dem die Gäste ihre Autos für 300 CZK pro Übernachtung abstellen können. Insgesamt waren wir jedoch mit dem Hotel rundum glücklich. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, sich die Zeit zu nehmen, Ihre Erfahrungen mit anderen Reisenden zu teilen.

We would like to assure you, however, that we are constantly working to improve our services in order to please all our visitors. incerely Yours Sincèrement vôtre, étaient là pendant notre séjour à Prague. Conclusion : Si vous voulez juste dormir dans l'hôtel mais ne voulez pas faire d'autres exigences, vous êtes entre de bonnes mains. If you would like a cosy atmosphere, it is better to reserve another hotel.

Thank you for your stay at Hotel Atos and for taking the opportunity to exchange your experiences with other travellers. We' re very sorry that you consider our hotel to be mediocre and that we obviously did not manage to exceed your requirements. We would like to reassure you, however, that we are constantly working to enhance our service in order to please all ours.

Thank you for your stay at Atos Hotel and for taking the opportunity to exchange your experiences with other travellers. We' re very sorry that you consider our hotel to be mediocre and that we obviously did not manage to exceed your requirements. We would like to reassure you, however, that we are constantly working to enhance our service in order to please all ours.

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